
Judith D. Schwartz: Regenerating Planetary Life through Soil, Water, Cows and Reindeers.

Worlds in Transition, June 8, 2020

Judith D. Schwartz is a journalist and author living in the mountains of Vermont. In her earlier career, she wrote articles for women’s magazines, about women’s health, and personal development. During the 2008 economic downturn, Judith started to ask herself questions about the origins of wealth creation. How can GDP be a measure of prosperity while not accounting for the wellbeing of nature? The questions led her on a journey of discovery of how soils are the source of true wealth creation in a healthy society. In her two books, titled “Cows Save the Planet” and “Water in Plain Sight”, Judith writes about the role of animal-land dynamics in restoring soils and the availability of clean water. In this conversation, we talk about how everything in nature is connected and how Judith’s insights on grazing animals led her to connect with Sami reindeer herders and other grassroots movements that promote soil restoration to address problems related to human and ecological health.


Judith Schwartz: Ecological Healing with Water

A New and Ancient Story Podcast, with Charles Einstein

Judith Schwartz is the author of several books, most recently "Water in Plain Sight." She is a leading advocate of what is coming to be known as "rain for climate" -- a shift in emphasis toward water as the most important substance in understanding and addressing climate change. We talk about water, soil, and plants, trees and cows, dogmatism, veganism and meat, and other topics.


Judith D Schwartz – What is possible with soil?

Investing in Regenerative Agriculture and Food Podcast, June 5, 2017

Listen to this episode from Investing in Regenerative Agriculture and Food on Spotify. Writer of Cows save the Planet and Water in Plain sight, examples from around the world on what is possible with soil.----------------------------------------------------------Welcome to Investing in Regenerative Agriculture and Food.Join our Gumroad community, discover the tiers and benefits here:


Why we need to rethink how we address climate change with Judith D. Schwartz

Green Dreamer Podcast with Kaméa Chayne


The Role of the Water Cycle in Planetary Health

Connect the Dots with Alison Rose Levy, March 28, 2018


'Cows Save The Planet': Soil's Secrets For Saving The Earth

NPR’s Talk of the Nation, June 17, 2013



